Issues and fine tuning

Shake down on the brawler has been good. However there are a few small issues that have seen it go back to Matt's for some test and tune.

The main issue is there is a vibration from about 1500-2500 rpm that is quite severe. I suspect its the 10 year old engine mounts so they are getting replaced (it was there before all the upgrades)

There is also a leak from the D&D muffler which is disappointing, its not an alignment thing so it will have to be a call to the distributor to sort out rectification of the issue.

I also asked Matt to take 10mm out of the front to try and sharpen up the steering, with the lower rear it feels a little raked out at slow speeds

Hopefully its not in too long (but know what warranties may be like from Rollies/D&D I'm preparing for the worst.

The Power Vision also came loose (literally as I was riding to drop the bike off).

Onward and upward


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