The best looking bike harley makes.

Out of the box it has to be the Slim, it's just so simply perfect.
The Moco nailed it with this model.

Maybe it's the less is more formula, there isn't much to the slim

But whats there only needs some subtle changes\upgrades to really make the bike pop.

I've posted Noels Hawaiian slim before, apes, shot gun shock and stretched fenders is really all this bike has done to it.

But there is one problem with the slim. It follows the black line frame meaning you have really limited seat choice. As cool as the stocky looks I'm sure it's no good for anything over 100km.
I've seen some that have been customised with more foam that would probably make it more rideable.

But as you can see here aftermarket seats almost all push the rider forward.

With the release of the 'S' variant you also get black on black.

This particular 'S' was built by Dandenong HD and is probably one of the slickest modified stock motorcycles i've even seen.

This seat would almost be ok.



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